The company has started flexing its muscle, showcasing how it plans to bring AI to its popular products like Search and the new feature is one such option.News 

Google Offers Grammar Check Feature: Here’s How to Use It

Google is rolling out more AI-focused features for user search, and the latest is the ability to check the grammar of a sentence before sending an email or even a message. The feature currently supports English, but you can try it on a computer and mobile device. Google explains that the grammar check feature checks whether a phrase or sentence is spelled grammatically correctly, and if not, helps you correct the sentence.

Google already offers this tool in Docs and Gmail, but the ability to use search to check grammar means it wants to give users multiple options for where they want to check these changes. The grammar check system is also quite simple and all you have to do is enter a phrase or sentence in the search bar and then type the grammar check.

Google search grammar check feature – how it works

– Enter the search using the Google search URL on a computer or mobile device

– Type the sentence you want to check for grammar and then type the grammar check

– Press Enter button to get the result

– If the grammar of the sentence is correct, you will see a green tick next to it

– If the grammar is incorrect, Google will make the changes and mark it in bold to let you know

– You can also copy the correct phrase and use it in a document or send a message

Google informs users that grammar checks may not be 100 percent accurate, and the company says you’re better off avoiding phrases to prevent such issues. Earlier this year at I/O 2023, we saw Google flex its muscles and show everyone that it is very focused on AI and that all its features and products have a serious dose of AI that everyone can use.

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